Happy Friday!! Thanks to the magic of modern technology, I am not actually sitting on my bedroom floor at this exact moment (I should be getting my makeup done and hanging around getting ready for one of my bestie’s wedding!), but I am still celebrating the #FlashFridayFootage vibe with all of you lovely folks. Cheers to the freakin’ weekend!
Hello! After a little break last weekend for the U.S. holiday (fireworks galore!), #FlashFridayFootage is back this week with one of the tougher flash stories I’ve written. Most of the stories on #FlashFridayFootage are written expressly for this purpose, but this story was one I wrote a long time ago before I started #FlashFridayFootage, and I shopped it around a… Read more »
Congratulations on making it through another week! Or not, depending on how alive you are while reading this. Or whether it’s your weekend. But for many of us—huzzah, we survived! Let’s celebrate by watching videos on our breaks and fantasizing about all the ice cream we’re going to eat. The pinnacle of a good weekend’s plans, IMO. In any case,… Read more »
Huzzah, Friday again! An extra special Friday for me, since I am taking a half day from the day job and heading out to Denver for a friend’s bachelorette party. It should be a Very Good Time and I am quite excited. But first–how could I kick off a good weekend without a little #FlashFridayFootage? Yep, it feels so good… Read more »
Yes, you read that title right. After a tiny hiatus, #FlashFridayFootage is making its victorious 2015 comeback! Every Friday, except for the last of the month, will feature a brand new video with a brand new reading of a brand new story. Exciting stuff! To be honest, one of the delays in bringing back #FlashFridayFootage was that I don’t think anyone… Read more »
Happy Friday, folks! Hopefully many of you will get a chance to take a little break in the upcoming weeks. (I am using all of my PTO to take two days off so I can go back to Iowa! I think I must be crazy.) In any case, #FFF will be on a little break, but will be back in… Read more »
We made it! Friday at last. Let’s celebrate by kicking back and traveling to the future! Join me for a quick trip away from the here and now. Have a fantastic weekend!
I would not have believed that the only posts for weeks in a row would be #FlashFridayFootage! Phew, I need to get some of my other ideas down on paper (er, screen?). But in the meantime, it is Friday, so here’s another #FlashFridayFootage! Enjoy the weekend!
Woohoo, I am not-sick enough to make a video! Cold from hell really laid me out last week (and is still persistently lingering, awesomely), so I am glad to finally get a new #FlashFridayFootage up. And in case you want to read some of my flash fiction stories (including both #FlashFridayFootage stories and other brand new ones!), you can check out… Read more »
Friday again?! For a week that consisted of some tough days, it went by really fast! Hopefully it’ll slow down for me to enjoy the weekend. But before that, take 2 minutes to escape this world with some flash fiction as part of my #FlashFridayFootage project! Have a good weekend!