I used to say that I was so jealous of people who had a goal for their life. The ones who knew that they wanted to be a doctor or a teacher or whatever. Me? I would shake my 20-something head and say with a laugh that I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up…. Read more »
Summer begins to fade into autumn, like it does every year. Living in San Diego buffers me from this reality, somewhat. It is easy to let the sunny days slide away, one after another, sure that they will continue in an unabated stream. And yet, the days do grow shorter, and time is, in fact, passing. Such are the thoughts… Read more »
Well, well, well, 2015. Here we are. Together at last–or already? It’s hard to say for sure, because on the one hand, holy shit it’s 2015. But on the other, 2014 was eons long! It was definitely a big year for me, both in terms of my personal life and my writing. In February, I applied for the… Read more »
There has been a blog post making the rounds among writers on Twitter* recently. It is an excellent post by Amy Trueblood called “What If You Never Get Published?”. Go on and read it, I’ll wait. Okay, so reading her post got me thinking (again). Writing is a lot of work. I spend hours and hours on it every week—and even… Read more »
Last Saturday, sitting on a cramped middle seat of a Southwest airplane, leaning forward to both escape the encroaching elbow of my seatmate and bolster the drooping edge of the tray table, I scribbled out the last edit for novel 6. (!!) Yes, I was a little behind schedule, as I had aimed to finish by the end of April…. Read more »
It is such a scary moment to hit “submit” on anything, but when it is writing-related that anxiousness just gets ratcheted up a notch or two (hundred). At least for me! I think because it has been a goal in my life for so long that it has way more import than it probably ought to. Anyway, that said, I did… Read more »
Okay, so technically 2012 isn’t over yet. But since I am sitting at the airport, preparing to jet off to Costa Rica with my amazing boyfriend, the writing year is over for me! I’m taking a real vacation for the next week and a half. NO guilting myself into writing (although if it happens, it happens) or freaking out about… Read more »
Recently, I went through a crisis of faith about myself and my writing career. (I deliberated using writing “career” there, but I am endeavoring to be more positive!) I, like many, have doubts about whether or not I am cut out to be a writer. There are times when it seems all I ever wanted, and there are times when… Read more »
As I am once again gearing down to get writing done, I am looking for new ways to inspire myself. To light that spark that my fellow writers know and love (and hate!) so well. I find that is better to actively seek out inspiration than to sit around hoping it will come, and something that I found recently is… Read more »
Sometimes I get so scared about writing. I know how many people out there want to be authors. Who doesn’t know someone who is “working on a book/novel”? I know that there are plenty of talented writers who never find the right agent or the right publisher, and their work slides into obscurity. I know that it takes more than… Read more »