Since today is a nice even number, thanks to our decimal system, as well as a nice even fraction of the month, I thought it a great time to check in on that frantic writing beast that is NaNoWriMo. This is a pretty critical time in the life of a NaNoer. There are three main possibilities of where you are… Read more »
As the leaves change and the weather cools—at least in theory, somewhere, because it’s sunny and upper 70s here in my paradisiacal home!—there are a lot of big events coming up. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, the Winter Solstice, Hanukah, Kwanzaa, Veteran’s Day, etc. etc. But one that looms large in the writing world is not just a special day or religious… Read more »
Okay, so…yeah. It’s been forever. I know. I set up a repeating to-do on Todoist for a blog post, and every day I get a reminder telling me how overdue I am. I am now up to 102 days overdue. Oops. In my defense (and because, fuck, no one reads this anyway), I had a lot of shit going on. After… Read more »
I wanted to make a post about NaNoWriMo. (On a side note, how is it time for NaNo again? I swear this just happened–where does the time go?!) I am not attempting this year. I know I wouldn’t be able to make it, and setting an unreachable goal is worse than useless. It actually just makes things worse. So I’ve… Read more »
As October winds down, I find myself facing, yet again, the Big Question–to Nano or no? I’ve attempted NaNoWriMo before, but I’ve never been too successful at it. I find that it’s no different than my usual self-motivation. The impetus to write copious words dies after a few days. Then I get disappointed in myself…and that’s just a vicious cycle…. Read more »