I want to take a break from navel-gazing (an occupational hazard, I swear) to offer something a little more concrete and useful. There are a million tools for writers out there. For the most part, I ignore them. People chatter about Scrivener, but I plug away at my drafts in Word, crafting Excel spreadsheets that lay out detailed plans… Read more »
Oh, how I love beginnings! As I let draft 2 of Novel 1 sit (I need to do the third draft with a relatively “fresh” set of eyes–I am worn out and sick of it all right now!), I decided to start putting some new stuff down on paper. I’ve been planning to work on Novel 2 next, a grand… Read more »
Not that I think anyone is interested, but more for my own benefit, I am starting a dedicated WRITING BLOG. Whee! Just another distraction from actually getting any writing done? Probably. But hopefully also an incentive to keep those creative juices flowing, to remind myself what I have accomplished and what more I will accomplish in the future. There are… Read more »