August is here! That means summer is on the wane, the nights are again growing longer, and we are all a little frantic in enjoying the few weeks of it left. Of course, I am lucky enough to live somewhere that winter is barely distinguishable from summer, but still, those short days and cooler temps get to me!
But I’m excited about August. Not only is it going to bring me and boyfriend to the same city (and the same apartment!) after 14 long, long months, but I am also taking 15 days of vacation! I am going to see my hometown and my family for the first time in a couple years. Should be a good time. And, of course, August is going to bring the curtain down on the first draft of novel 6.
Yeah, I know. That was my goal for July. There is really no excuse for me not getting it done, except for the fact that I struggle a lot with endings. I’ve only got the last chapter left, though, so August for sure! I am really excited.
Although I didn’t hit my goal for July, I still put down 8,129 words. It wasn’t a bad month as a whole, since I also find a new apartment, made some huge strides towards a work qualification, and enjoyed summer while it is here.
August is going to be a busy non-writing month for me. The big move and the vacation aren’t going to leave a lot of writing time! So my goal is pretty simple: finish this damn draft! Specifically, I hope to finish the draft during the first week of August. Then I can put it aside for a while before going back to edit with a vengeance. I’ve had a lot of ideas for novel 7 percolating, so I am going to start outlining and brainstorming for that as soon as I finish up this draft. Also going to keep my other blog going after I resurrected it from a long dormancy. So I’m not giving myself any specific wordcount or writing days goals.
Now I’m off to power through these last three scenes!
Percentage of goal met: 62.5%