Life-Cycle of a Nora Novel

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Okay, maybe a Nora novel isn’t an officially recognized category—yet!

In any case, I have a pretty methodical way that I go about writing a novel, refined over several manuscripts. So I thought I would share that method in case it is helpful and/or interesting for anyone else!

The video describes it pretty well, but I thought I would also include a short summary here, in case you don’t want to watch me blabber for 11 minutes. Or are at work, not that any of us would be thinking about writing at our day jobs!

The ideas for my novels usually get entered into my ideas notebook long before I start writing or even planning them. It’s an outlet for all those plot monkeys that demand to be written while I’m trying to finish something else. There are all kind of random things in my notebook, ranging from snippets of dialogues to character sketches and title ideas. For example:

A long stretch of moonlit road. Dry grasslands as far as the eye can see. A lone horse rider, the clop of hooves a slow staccato, the rider slumped in the saddle. A faint wind stirs dust along the road.

This is written in my notebook with zero context. Just an image I had one day a few years ago. Anyway, I take one of these ideas that I want to work on, and I start to brainstorm. I like to do the one sentence premise -> paragraph -> plot summary progression. Then I write an outline. An honest-to-goodness, I.A.i.a. outline. From that outline, I create an Excel spreadsheet scene list. Here is where I plan out the details of the timeline, the POV, who is where, and what happens.

Then I write!

For the most part, I stick to that scene list. I guess that may seem boring to some, but for me, I like the structure it provides. It’s like a checklist—butt in chair, write this scene. If I get wild inspiration, I’ll pause to work it in, but that just isn’t the way I normally work. Eventually, voila! A draft!

The revision process is pretty simple. Read through it, take notes. Create a new Excel sheet and, from those notes, come up with a revision plan checklist. Copy the scene list and modify it as needed to accommodate the changes. Then go back and make all the edits! X them off as I go, so I get to see my Excel percentage go up. Rinse and repeat until it feels done. Somewhere in there, try to get feedback from beta readers to incorporate into the revision notes.

Once I’m happy with it, write a query and a synopsis, and begin sending it out! At this point, the novel is basically done. If I get a partial or full request (very rarely…), I don’t go back and re-read or edit, I just send what I have. Only if I am having a really bad response do I then go back and maybe do another edit.

So that’s it! That’s as far as it goes for me, for now. Someday I hope I will have to worry about agent edits and editor edits and all that fun stuff, but that’s a future!Nora problem. Right-now-Nora needs to worry about writing that damn synopsis for Novel 7 and picking out an idea to flesh out for Novel 8…

2 thoughts on “Life-Cycle of a Nora Novel

  1. krystal jane

    I totally write in order, too! Sometimes I get my outline together as I go, but I like to have everything planned out before I start and tend to stick to it almost exactly. It's relaxing, I think. ^_^ But my outlines are the exact opposite of organized. I literally type my outline below the draft. Chapter 1 – dump of information, etc.

    I actually like writing the synopsis for my stories! The query, not at all, but I probably don't take my synopsis as seriously as I should. I used to keep my ideas in a notebook. I still have the notebook, but now everything is a mess. Half are on my phone and half are on my computer. I really need to combine them one day. I miss the thrill of flipping through my idea notebook and hunting for something that doesn't suck.

  2. Caryn Caldwell

    Wow! We have such similar processes! Even if I don't exactly follow my scene list, I have a LOT of trouble writing without one. I'm kind of jealous of my friends who write by the seat of their pants, but I think it's more comforting the way we do it — even if it IS less romantic. 😀

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